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第五届超导与磁学国际研讨会(ISSM 2024)

 地点:四川  发布时间:2024/7/8 10:11:28 字体大小:+
 会议开始时间:2024/8/9  会议结束时间:2024/8/11


会议地点:中国 · 成都


投稿邮箱:contact8@academicx.org (wsaugust@126.com)


联系电话 : +86 18627814037 (周一至周五)

△. 大会简介

第五届超导与磁学国际研讨会(The 5th Intl Symposium on Superconductivity and Magnetism,简称为ISSM 2024) 将于2024年8月9-11日在中国成都举行。本届大会囊括超导与磁学等领域相关议题。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们在超导与磁学相关领域的最新研究成果及活动进展。

△. 大会嘉宾

Prof. Hornsen (H.S.) TZOU, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

Prof. Bing-Yuh Lu, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology (GDUPT), China

Dr. Fuyin Ma, Xian Jiaotong University, China

Dr. Bing Li, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Dr. Mohammad Gohari, Arak University of Technology, Iran

Prof. Ali Loghmani, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Prof. Parham Soltani, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran

Dr. Rehmat Bashir, University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Pakistan

Dr. Mrutunjaya Bhuyan, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Prof. Mohamed Salem Badawi, Alamein International University/Alexandria University, Egypt

Dr. Muhammad Mubashir Bhatti, Shandong University of Science and Technology, China

Dr. Muhammad Ramzan, Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan

△. 参会方式

1、全文参会(参会 + 全文发表 + 报告)



2、摘要参会(参会 + 摘要 + 报告 )




△. 文章出版

出版物:所有被会议录用的英文稿件将会发表在开源期刊上, 更多详情请与我们联系 (contact8@academicx.org)。


2. 您可点击左上角注册按钮下方Template for Manuscripts下载全文投稿模板,按照此模板准备文章。全文篇幅建议15-20页(按照模板格式,带图和参考文献),超过20页需缴纳超页费。摘要投稿无格式要求,具备标题、内容、关键词、作者信息即可,篇幅建议控制在1页以内,最长不超过2页。

3. 投稿之后3-5个工作日内您会收到审核结果,如逾期未收到邮件通知,请您尽快联系我们。

4. 可投中文稿件,文章题目、摘要,关键词需要中英双语,正文部分为中文(可联系我们索取模板文档)。参会时口头报告/海报张贴必须做英文的。

△. 大会日程(供参考)

2024年8月9日 - 大会签到(发指南、期刊、参会证、餐券等相关物资)

2024年8月10日 - 特邀演讲嘉宾报告

2024年8月11日 - 作者报告及海报展示


Superconducting Devices and Circuits

Superconducting Magnets

Superconducting Phase Transition

Superconductivity and Zero Electrical Resistance

Accelerator Magnets

Ancillary Materials for Superconducting Applications

Applied Superconductivity

High-Temperature Superconductivity

HTS Magnets

Biomedical Diagnostics and Imaging

Cables (HTS, LTS), CICC, and Current Leads

Critical Current and Flux Pinning

Critical Temperature and Critical Fields

Cryogenics for Superconducting Devices and System Integration

Electromagnetic Compatibility

Functional Magnetic Materials and Non-Recording Applications

Fusion Magnets

GMR Of Multilayers, Magnetic Contacts and Constrictions

Insulation and Dielectrics

Intermetallic and Other Hard Magnets

Large Superconducting and Related Systems

Levitation, Transportation, and Propulsion

Magnet Design and Analysis Techniques

Magnet Stability, Magnetization Effects, AC Losses and Protection

Magnetic Fluids and Separation

Magnetic Microscopy and Imaging

Magnetic Semiconductors

Magnetic Thin Films and Nanostructures

Magnetic Tunneling Junctions

Magnetization and Time-Dependent Losses

Magneto-Caloric Materials and Devices

Magnetodynamics and Ferromagnetic Resonance

Magneto-Elastic Materials and Devices

Magnetoimpedance and High Frequency Materials

Magneto-Optic Materials and Devices

Micromagnetics and Multiscale Modeling

Molecular and Novel Magnetic Materials

Multiferroic Materials

Nanostructured and Composite Hard Magnetic Materials

Organic and Carbon-Based Spin Transport

Permanent Magnet Materials

Pnictides and Related Materials

Properties Important for Applications

Rare Earth Transition Metal Borides

Recording Physics, Modeling, Theory and Testing

Shielding, Levitation and Propulsion

Soft Magnetic Materials

Spin Transfer Torque

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